Iowa Honor Band


Voxman Honor Band - Dr. Timothy Mahr, conductor

Benjamin Coelho, guest artist

Welch Honor Band - Dr. Richard Mark Heidel, conductor

M. Cory Schmitt, coordinator

Jarrid Jaynes and Courtney Ridge, assistant coordinators





All activities in the Voxman Music Building, 93 East Burlington Street

7:30 AM       Student Registration – Voxman Lobby – 2nd Floor

8:30 AM       Welcome! All participants meet in the Concert Hall - 2nd Floor

9:00 AM       Master classes. Locations available at registration

9:00 AM       Meet the Guest Conductor for participating directors

10:15AM      Honor Band Full Rehearsals            

10:15 AM     Director's Clinic                                                 

                          Professor Benjamin Coelho
                          Professor of Bassoon, University of Iowa

12:15 PM     Lunch – On your own

1:45 PM-      Voxman Honor Band Full Rehearsal                                        

2:45 PM       Welch Honor Band Sectionals

3:00 PM       Welch Honor Band Full Rehearsal                                              

                     Voxman Honor Band Sectionals

4:15 PM        Voxman Honor Band Full Rehearsal          

5:00 PM        Dinner on your own. 

6:30 PM       Showcase Concert – UI Concert Band and Symphony Band      

                     Voxman Music Building Concert Hall

This concert is free of charge and open to the public, and it will be approximately 1½ hours in length.



All activities in the Voxman Music Building, 93 East Burlington Street

9:00 AM      Honor Band Rehearsals                                          

11:30 AM    Lunch on your own

1:00 PM      Concert Hall doors open to the public

1:30 PM      Concert 

                     The concert is free, open to the public, and will last approximately
                     1 1/2 hours.